Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Prepare a Home Inventory


If you were the victim of a major natural disaster and suddenly found yourself with
nothing left, would you remember everything you lost? When is the last time you counted
the number of CDs you own or took stock of the current value of your TV and video
equipment, not to mention your clothing, jewelry and other personal belongings? Too
often, we forget about personal valuables that are stored in closets or drawers. An
inventory will help you remember what you have so you can accurately document your
losses to your insurance company. For example, your insurance company will be less
likely to dispute the value of your antique teapot collection if you have photographs, sales
receipts and other documentation to prove it.

• Make a detailed written or videotaped inventory of your property and house-hold
 possessions. Take a video camera and go through every room, taping and describing what
 you see. For valuable items, note when and where you purchased them and how much
 you paid for them. Include the serial numbers of major appliances.
• Don't forget to inventory the garage, attic, basement and the exterior of your house,
 including landscaping and fencing.
• Update the inventory yearly.
• Keep your inventory, insurance policies and other important documents in a safedeposit
 box and keep a duplicate set in a fire- and water-proof container at home. Include
 important documents such as wills, deeds, titles, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit,
 passports, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, income tax returns, birth
 certificates and so on.

• Keep your home in tip-top shape to protect it against the damage of heavy winds or
 rain. Make sure your roof, windows and doors are not in need of major repair.
• Position cribs/beds away from windows or tall furniture that could slide or topple.
• If you live in a hurricane-prone area, purchase sheets of plywood to cover your home's
 windows and store them in your garage or shed. If you wait until a storm is imminent,
 your local hardware store may be sold out.
• Bolt bookcases and other tall pieces of furniture to the wall.
• Power generators are often used during power outages. If you own one, make sure it is
 well maintained and that all family members know how to operate it properly.
• If you live in a mobile home, make sure it is securely anchored down.
• If you own a boat, make sure it is securely moored.
• If there is a fire hydrant near your home, make sure it is clear of debris and can easily be
 located by the fire department.
• Remove low branches and dead trees from around your house.
• Clear debris from the chimney, gutters and vents.

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